We create reliable, durable & easy to use solutions to help you as an end user, to protect your horse’s hooves while respecting its movement and improving its comfort. Having the commitment to always use the latest & highest quality materials available, and produce within the EU. Get in and check how can we improve your horse’s welfare!

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Our products are designed to help you bring your work to another level. With them you’ll be able to achieve a perfect fit no matter the hoof shape or condition you’re facing. We have also created an orthopedic line of products to enhance and speed up the rehabilitation of the horses under your care. Get in and check our products features!

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As a reseller, we offer you long-term relationship, personal contact, individualized approach and specific help to develop your business in your local market. Get in and check what do we have to offer you!

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Our Business Commitement

in europe

All our products are made in Spain and Portugal to control the full process and ensure the best quality of materials while protecting the workers’ rights.


Our business goes beyond the products that we create… Our main objective is to defense and promote horse’s welfare while we help to promote heathy practices.


In Evohorse SL, we fight everyday to bring new ideas & approaches to daily situations & problems that owners, professionals & resellers struggle with.


Hooves comes in very different shapes due to individual conformation or due to pain/pathologies compensations. Our products are specially designed to deal with those realities.


We ensure that the materials that we use are thick & dense enough to outcome with the harsh surfaces that the horse’s hooves has to deal with.

Our Main Products

Know Our Reasons

The 3 co-founders of evohorse SL have a long history with horses and many years of experience in their respective fields! Keep on reading and discover their main reason to create this project!

Florentino Pereira

Endurance raider

«I wanted to bring to the market easy to use, reliable & high performing hoof solutions»

Horse Owner

Albert Villasevil

Vet & Hoof Specialist

«To create individually adaptable & hoof mechanism friendly solutions for healthy and for lame horses (ddft issues, colateral ligaments problems, founder…)»

Hoof Specialist

Bernd Jung

Hoof Boots Reseller

«To improve the boot sales worldwide and enhance owners to keep their horses barefoot»

Products reseller

Our Customers Opinion

Eduard Cugat

«I’m an endurance rider & horse trainer. I do not use any other boot since 2017. My horses loves them! When I race I use the glue on version and for the trainings I normaly use the EvoBoot Premium.»

Iris ferré

«I love how comfortable my horses moves with them. They’re easy to put and take out and what’s super important for me… they’re easy to clean!»

Arnau Gomà

«I like the quality of the materials, how easy is to replace parts & the GREAT service and professionality of its team!

Stefanie Schwyn

“2 years ago my mare Quejada wore the Evoboots that Castanya wears today. In just a few simple steps I made them suitable for Castanya. From low heels to high heels.“

Read our news & articles

Horse Owner

Hoof Specialist



Evoboot | The intelligent boots
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