Our Business Commitement
in europe
All our products are made in Spain and Portugal to control the full process and ensure the best quality of materials while protecting the workers’ rights.

Our business goes beyond the products that we create… Our main objective is to defense and promote horse’s welfare while we help to promote heathy practices.

In Evohorse SL, we fight everyday to bring new ideas & approaches to daily situations & problems that owners, professionals & resellers struggle with.

Hooves comes in very different shapes due to individual conformation or due to pain/pathologies compensations. Our products are specially designed to deal with those realities.

We ensure that the materials that we use are thick & dense enough to outcome with the harsh surfaces that the horse’s hooves has to deal with.

Our Main Products
Know Our Reasons
The 3 co-founders of evohorse SL have a long history with horses and many years of experience in their respective fields! Keep on reading and discover their main reason to create this project!
Florentino Pereira
Endurance raider
«I wanted to bring to the market easy to use, reliable & high performing hoof solutions»
Horse Owner
Albert Villasevil
Vet & Hoof Specialist
«To create individually adaptable & hoof mechanism friendly solutions for healthy and for lame horses (ddft issues, colateral ligaments problems, founder…)»
Hoof Specialist
Our Customers Opinion
Read our news & articles
Forget about returns & bad comments forever!
¿Are you a professional hoofboot reseller? ¿are you facing returns or bad comments in social media? Then... Keep on reading, you're in the right...
Horse Owner
3 reasons why you should improve your bootfitting skills right now!
¿Are you a professional hoof trimmer or farrier? ¿Are your clients using hoofboots? ¿Are you always going to the easy way recommending integral...
Hoof Specialist
Wanting to increase your hoofboot business cashflow to make more profit?
¿Are you a professional hoofboot reseller? ¿Is your business only surviving and not giving you big profit? Then... Keep on reading, you're in the...
The secret to avoid lumbar injuries
¿Are you a professional hoof trimmer or farrier? ¿Are you experiencing some degree of lumbar pain? ¿Are you doing nothing and throwing the ball...