with a friendly, long-term and win-win partnership

Products reseller

Our Business Commitment towards you… as a Reseller!

Personal contact &
Individual approach

Albert and his team are always available to have a chat, hear your
doubts, issues & ideas about our produtos, your market, your business
particularitues… to find the strategy that works best for you.

Always in touch

We understand that information is the key, that’s why you will know before anybody els when changes, updates, new product releases will happen to give you enough time to prepare and adapt.

Product Training

Every product has it’s uses, particularities, pro & cons and what’s more important… It’s tips! That’s why we offer you individual training so you can become an online & offline selling expert!

Ordering & Shipping Times

You can order the goods through the webshop or sending us an email with the ordersheet fulfilled. It will be processed & shipped through Fedex within the next 3 days of the payment receival.

Products Upgrades

We know that when a brand upgrades a product, your stock & your client’s goods becomes obsolete. That’s why we DO NOT operate in that way! Instead of that, in Evohorse, every update that we create, can be applied to the older versions of the same product.

Warranty Cases

We will train you to identify the bad used vs the defective products. And when a warranty case appears, just let us know and we will replace the product through you or directly to your client, according to what suits you best.

Evo Products… for you as a Reseller

Access to our FREE Seminar

Learn about

Hoof protections type & uses Pro and cons of each Orthopedics with Boots & Glue ons.


with Albert Villasevil

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Our Customers Opinion

The EVO BOOT is an extremely intelligent hoofboot promoting the hoof mechanism like no other model. You may have read this already a couple of times before but this boot is really doing it. It’s not only supporting the hoof sole – it’s flexibel horizontally as well as vertically. Just like the heels of a barefoot horse.


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